Newton MessagePad: Date Book Error -48009

When I open a Date Book appointment, my Newton MessagePad displays a -48009 error. What causes this and how can I recover from it?
This error occurred in version 1.0, 1.02, and 1.03 of the Newton Operating System. You should upgrade to version 1.05 of the Newton Operating System to permanently correct this problem.

These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:

* "Where To Find Apple Software Updates" Lists online services for "free" Apple software updates.

* "Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA" Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech. Info. Library.

If you are using a Newton Operating System older that 1.05, your Date Book appointment has become corrupted. Whenever this appointment is opened, your MessagePad displays the -48009 error message. If you receive this error message, you must reset your MessagePad.

To cure this problem, you must delete the appointment. Since the error occurs when you view the slip for the damaged appointment, you can't delete the appointment within the Date Book application. Try these steps to delete the appointment:

1) Select a word in the text of the corrupted appointment that you can use with the Find command.

2) Create a new note in the Notepad with the word selected above.

3) Tap the Find button, enter the selected word, then tap All. The Find command will search through the Name File, Notepad, and Date Book. When the find is complete, an overview window will appear with all the found items.

4) If any of the items found are outside the Date Book, such as a Name File or Note Pad entry, go to each item and remove the selected word. Do this for all items except for the note created in step 2.

5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 until the overview only shows the note created in step 2 and the corrupted Date Book item.

6) Tap on the envelope button in the bottom right corner of the screen and choose Delete. This will delete the sample note and the corrupted Date Book item.

7) Repeat the above steps for other Date Book items that are producing the error.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012