ARA 2.0 MultiPort Server: Importing User List Info

This article describes how to import User List information on the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server.
To Import information to a User List:

1) Create a user database file and save it.

2) Choose Import User List from the Users menu.

3) Select a file from the directory dialog box and click Open.

4) Select an option to continue.

Once the information is imported, the current User List is updated. Any errors that occur during the import are written to the server activity log.

More Detail
You can create a tab delimited text file containing user information, such as names, password, and login access, and then import the information into Remote Access Manager to create a new User List or to add users to the current User List.

NOTE: You cannot import zone information or external security settings.

The first record in the imported file is a header record that contains the names of the fields that are to be imported. The only mandatory field is the Name field, which must be the first field specified. It is used as the key for matching the record in the imported file with the users existing in the user List. All fields in the header record must have corresponding values in the imported file, or processing will stop at the record with the missing data.

Any record in the imported file that has no match in the existing User List is inserted into the User List. Any fields not included in the header record are replaced with the default values.

To import the information in the tab delimited text file to the current User List, use the Import User List command from the File menu. Once you begin the import operation, a dialog box appears containing the following four options:

* Merge
* Replace
* Ignore
* Cancel

Select one of these options to determine how the information will be imported.

If new records exist in the imported file but do not exist in the User List, they are added to the User List. Fields in new records that do not contain information are filled with the default values. However, if a user name appears in both the file you are importing and in the current User List, the results of the import operation differ depending on the option you select.

Select Merge to combine the records from the imported file with the records from the User List. Fields in the existing User List are replaced by the fields from the imported file. Any fields that are not specific in the header record remain unchanged and retain the values from the existing User List.

Use the Merge option to add data to an existing User List while retaining some of the existing values. For example, you could change the callback numbers for a set of users without changing their passwords or zone access.

Select Replace to replace matching records in the existing User List with matching record from the imported file. Fields that are not present in the header record are filled with the default values.

Use Replace if you need to make changes that affect every field in matching records. For example, you can quickly change maximum connection time to the default value.

WARNING: Using the Replace option can cause you to lose information. For example, if the imported file does not specify passwords and you select Replace, the passwords for the matching records in the User List are lost.

When Ignore is selected, any record in the imported file that matches an existing record in the User List is skipped, and import continues with the next record in the file. No values in the existing record are changed.

Cancels the operation.

IMPORTANT: When you import User List information, you change your current User & Groups Data File. Make sure that you back up this file by duplicating and renaming it in the Preferences folder.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012