If you have installed the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server on the same computer as your AppleShare server, the user database is shared between them. The user database is called the "User List" in ARA and the "Users & Groups Data File" in AppleShare.
All users from the AppleShare Users & Groups Data File appear in the Remote Access Manager User List as registered users, but you must select login and callback options for them. Remote Access Manager does not support the AppleShare Groups feature; any groups that you have created with AppleShare do not appear in the User List.
IMPORTANT: Any changes you make to the User List, such as adding or deleting users, will affect the AppleShare Users & Groups Data File.
Any changes that you make to a User information window, such as changing the login name or password, also affects the AppleShare Users & Groups Data File.
IMPORTANT: Since AppleShare Admin and Remote Access Manager use the same user database, you cannot run both applications at the same time. However, if you lock the Remote Access Manager, you can run the AppleShare Admin application. To lock the Remote Access Manager, choose Lock Server Manager from the Server menu.