CD Improperly Mastered: Cause Problems on Startup (3/94)

If the Performa 550 or LC 520 unit is shut down incorrectly (that is, power switched off without using the Shut Down command) while a CD is loaded, the computer will behave strangely at start up.

Symptom/Solution: The screen will go grey and all you'll see is the cursor. If you use a paper clip to manually eject the caddy and restart the computer the problem is fixed.

This problem occurs on any Apple CD unit (whether internal or external) if the CD-ROM is improperly mastered. However this problem is amplified in the CD 300 Plus because the drawer retracts on shutdown making the problem more likely.

Apple uses the signature in the boot blocks to determine if the CD has a driver. Those CDs which do not clear these blocks before mastering will attempt to be booted. Apple tested 127 CDs currently shipping and four were found to have problems. This problem is especially prevalent in the current Software Toolworks titles; San Diego Zoo Presents The Animals!, World Atlas, U.S. Atlas, and Space Shuttle.

Apple is working with CD manufacturers to ensure that future CDs will not have this problem.

Article Change History:
21 March 1994: Added CD 300 Plus information and Software Toolworks CD-ROM titles.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012