PageMaker 5.0: Customers Needing LW Utility 7.4.1 (11/93)

Apple Support is getting calls from customers who have purchased PageMaker
5.0 and need the LaserWriter Utility 7.4.1. Aldus apparently has licensed
LaserWriter 8.0 and has bundled it with PageMaker 5.0 but they did not
license or bundle LaserWriter Utility 7.4.1.

Apple Product Management and Aldus came up with a solution on handling the
LW 8.1.1 and LW Utility situation.

* Both LW 8.1.1 and the LW Utility are posted on Compuserve and AOL in
the Aldus folders.

* LW 8.1.1 and the LW Utility 7.4.1 are being added to PageMaker 5.0.
Copies of PageMaker 5.0 with LW 8.1.1 and the LW Utility 7.4.1 should
be on dealer's shelves around mid-January.

* Aldus will sell a software update kit with LW 8.1.1 and LW Utility to
PageMaker 5.0 owners for $9.95. This should be available by early

* Aldus does not expect Apple to supply PageMaker 5.0 customers with LW
8.1.1 or LW Utility. Aldus will inform their customers about the above
ways of getting LW 8.1.1 and the LW Utility.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012