Apple Internet Router 3.0 and X.25 Wide Area Extension (11/93)

I'm having trouble connecting two Apple Internet Routers, version 3.0, with
the AppleTalk/X.25 Wide Area Extension, and MacX25 v1.2 using a 64 kbps

hagen Macintosh Macintosh
| |-----------| |-------------| |
| |Router 3.0 |Hydra |-----|64 Kbit |-----|Hydra | Router 3.0 | |
|----| MacX25 |------|Modem|========|Modem|------| MacX25 |----|
| | X25Ext |cable |-----|tel-line|-----|cable | X25Ext | |
| |-----------|port1a |-------------| |

Parameter "Apple DCE" "Apple DTE"
MODE Call Answer

Question 1:
Is this configuration supported using a 64 kbps line between two Apple
Internet Routers without a real X.25 network node in between?

Question 2:

Where should the calling address be configured?

I'm able to bring up level 1 and level 2, but virtual circuits are not
being established because the packets do not contain the address of the
origin (calling address).

I can easily configure the called/answered address in the PORT INFO window
of the Internet Router Manager. By double-clicking on the X.25 (1) port
access method, and in the field "Remote X.25 ID" to specify the X.25
address of the other Macintosh.

COPENHAGEN: Call-mode Remote X.25 := "2382XXXXXXXXXX" No password
Aarhus: Answer-mode Remote X.25 := "2382XXXXXXXXXX" No password

But I can't find a place to configure the calling/answering address (the
address of the local Macintosh). I would expect it to be configured in
MacX25 Admin, because the address is related to the allocated address of
the Macintosh node on an X.25 network.

The calling DTE address is the address that your computer uses to identify
itself when initiating an X.25 call. Almost all public and private X.25
networks automatically insert this address in the call packet. However, if
you are connected to a network that does not do this, such as yours, you
need to use the Router Tuner utility to enter this address.

The Router Tuner is distributed in the AppleTalk Internet Router
Administrator's Toolkit (RO490LL/A) by APDA.

Though we aren't familiar with your requirements, you may not need to use
the AppleTalk/X.25 Wide Area Extension at all. A direct asynchronous or
synchronous serial connect at 64 kbps would be substantially more efficient
because it would not be burdened by the additional X.25 protocol overhead.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012