HyperCard: Why Compacting Sometimes Fails (7/92)

When users set up a user-defined message inheritance path in HyperCard
2.0, and they try to compact their stacks, compacting fails. Why?

This happens because stacks cannot be compacted when the "start using"
command is in use.

Here's a typical script showing a user-defined message inheritance path:

On OpenStack
start using stack "XYZ"
end OpenStack

Now, here's a typical script for compacting stacks:

On Mouseup
doMenu "Compact Stack"
end Mouseup

The compact stack script won't work, because the resources of stack "XYZ"
are also in use as well.

Here's a "compact stack" handler that does work, and makes the
user-definable mess academic:

On Mouseup
stop using stack "XYZ"
doMenu "Compact Stack"
start using stack "XYZ"
end Mouseup

Here's a "bells and whistles" stack from Claris' "Tech Support Navigator"
stack series, which pops text into the message box informing the user
what's going on:

on mouseUp
repeat 2
set cursor to busy
end repeat
stop using stack "XYZ"
put "Now compacting your Stack..."
repeat 17
put " " before msg
end repeat
doMenu "Compact Stack"
wait 90
repeat 40
put " " before msg
end repeat
wait 30
put "Compacting of your Stack was successful..."
repeat 12
put " " before msg
end repeat
wait 2 seconds
repeat 60
put " " before msg
end repeat
hide msg
end mouseUp

This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012