The Problem
For example, the last line of item 1 of the following is "123 Main".
Mr. Bob Smith
123 Main, Street
Los Angeles, CA 12345
eMail address - 55555
If you give the command "put last line of item 1 of cd field x" you'll get
"123 Main" in the message box. But if you say "select last line of item 1
of cd field x" what gets selected is "eMail address - 55555", or what is
actually item 1 of the last line. The two parts of the command are
1) Get the number of lines of item 1 of cd field x -- (puts 2 into the
variable it)
2) Select line it of cd field x -- (selects "123 Main")
This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.