These two cards although different in name, are virtually identical apart
from those differences outlined below.
PIN OUTS (same for both cards)
20 Pin Header Signal Name
1...........Ground - Pin 1 and 20 must be used.
2...........ACK (Handshake)
8...........Strobe out
10...........Bit 0 (LSB)
11...........Bit 1
12...........Bit 2
13...........Bit 3
14...........Bit 4
15...........Bit 5
16...........Bit 6
17...........Bit 7 (MSB)
20...........Ground - Pin 1 and 20 must be used
NOTE: The differences between the two cards are as follows.
The Centronics card is supplied with the PROM P9 (341-0019) installed and
does NOT add a linefeed after carriage return. The Jumper block is
pre-configured for negative STROBE and positive acknowledge (ACK) signals.
The Parallel card is supplied with the PROM P1 (341-0005) installed and does
add a linefeed after carriage return. With this card you must wire the
jumper block yourself. For further information please refer to page 6 of
the card's manual.