If you write in AppleScript, you can have your stacks or standalone
applications communicate with other scriptable applications such as FileMaker
Pro 2.0 and Microsoft Excel 4.0.
Scripts can receive messages as well as send or pass messages to other scripts,
regardless of the script's language. So a button script written in HyperTalk
can send a message to a card script written in AppleScript, which can, in turn,
pass the message to a background script written in UserTalk.
HyperCard 2.2 accommodates scripting components that don't support the optional
OSA event handling interface. You can invoke scripts that belong to such
components by sending them a run message:
send "run" to button 1 -- run an attached QuicKeys script
For AppleScript details, see the HyperCard AppleScript Reference stack.
Note: To take advantage of AppleScript code in your stack, the user must be
running System 7.0 (or later) and have AppleScript 1.1 installed.
This article was adapted from the HyperCard 2.2 New Features stack.
Article Change History:
24 December 1993 - deleted reference to both Apple Events Manager requirement