HyperCard: No Error Messages from Palette Buttons (7/92)

A message sent by a button on a palette seems to disappear, neither correct
response nor error message. Checkpoints added to handler are not triggered
when the palette button is clicked.

Cause: Error messages are not issued by HyperTalk when processing messages
from palettes. This causes palettes to appear disabled when carried into
irrelevant environments, rather than seeming to have malfunctioned. If the
problem is a runtime error, it can be detected by checkpoints in the
handler; however, if it is a compilation error (in the nature of "can't
understand"), the message is intercepted, but no handler is executed.

Workaround: Create a card button that sends the same message. This allows
normal debugging of the problem handler. When you're finished, remove the
card button.

This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012