function quoteLines string
-- script 2-2: Convert text to a quoted string
put empty into quotedString
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in string
get line i of string
if it is empty then put "return" & return after quotedString
else if quote is not in it
then put quote & it & quote & " & return" & return after quotedString
put quote into expandString
put " & quote & " & quote into calcQuote
put number of chars in it into charCount
repeat with j = 1 to charCount
put char j of it into thisChar
put thisChar after expandString
if thisChar is quote then put calcQuote after expandString
end repeat
put expandString & quote & " & return" & return after quotedString
get " & " & quote & quote
put offset(it,quotedString) into emptyCat
if emptyCat is 0 then exit repeat
delete char emptyCat to emptyCat+length(it)-1 of quotedString
end repeat
end if
end repeat
return quotedString
end quoteLines
This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.