Centris/Quadra 660AV: No Heat Sink on the 68040 (4/95)

Isn't 68040 CPU (central processing unit) used in the Centris 650 the same as that used in the Centris 660AV and Quadra 660AV?

If so, why is there not a heat sink mounted on the 68040 in the Centris 660AV and Quadra 660AV?

Both the Centris 650 and the Centris 660AV use a Motorola MC68040 CPU running at 25 MHz.

The original MC68040 25 MHz chips that came from Motorola required the use of a heat sink on the Centris 650 to reduce the amount of heat generated by the chip. A new version of processor now used in Centris 660AV and Quadra 660AV no longer require the heat sink.

Article Change History:
25 Apr 1995 - Corrected spelling of sink.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012