ARA 2.0 Client: Read Me File (12/93)

This article contains the Read Me file for the Apple Remote Access 2.0 Client.

This document provides late=breaking news about the Apple Remote Access Client
not covered in the "Apple Remote Access Client User's Guide."  You may need to
refer to that guide to understand the use of several terms in this document.

Modems supported by the Apple Remote Access Client
Modem scripts for many popular modems are provided on the Remote Access Client
installation disks, including:

United States
V.32bis modems (14,400 bps):
 Apple Express Modem
 Global Village PowerPort Gold
 Global Village TelePort Gold
 Hayes Optima 144
 Microcom QX4232bis
 Prometheus ProModem 144e
 PSI Powermodem IV
 Supra SupraFax v.32bis
 Telebit WorldBlazer

V.32 modems (9600 bps):
 Global Village PowerPort Silver
 Global Village TelePort Silver
 Prometheus Promodem 96
 PSI Powermodem III
 Supra SupraFax Modem Plus
 Telebit QBlazer
 Telebit T1600
 US Robotics Sportster

V.22bis modems (2400 bps):
 Apple 2400
 Global Village PowerPort Bronze
 Global Village TelePort Bronze
 Hayes Optima 2400
 Microcom AX 2400C
 Prometheus Promodem 24
 PSI PowerModem II

Cellular support:
 Applied Engineering DataLink PB and Applied Engineering Axcell Cellular
 Microcom Cellular Data Link 300

ISDN support:
 Hayes ISDN adapter

 CZ Sample Script * Apple 2400

57,600 bps:
 Andante EAZ0 v2 (V.24 ISDN Adapter)
 Andante EAZ1 v2
 Andante EAZ2 v2
 Andante EAZ3 v2
 Andante EAZ4 v2
 Andante EAZ5 v2
 Andante EAZ6 v2
 Andante EAZ7 v2
 Andante EAZ8 v2
 Andante EAZ9 v2

25,000 bps:
 Motorola 326x (Fast) v2

19,200 bps:
 MDG 19K2=31 v2
 MDG 14MX=22 v2

14,400 bps:
 euroScout v2
 Express Modem 14400 v2
 Global Village Test v2
 PriCom 14.4  v2
 TELEJET 14400 v2

9600 bps:
 CN=3532 SA Plus v2
 CN=3532 SA v2
 FURY 9600 TI v2
 MicroLink 9624 v2

2400 bps:
 Apple PowerBook/Portable v2
 CN=3522 SA Plus v2
 CTK EuroCoupler Akustikk. v2

 CTK EuroCoupler Modem v2
 Dialog 2400 MNP v2
 FURY 2400 TI v2
 GVC SuperModem 2400 MNP v2
 GVC SuperModem 2400 v2
 MAKK=CHAMPION Akustikk. v2
 MDG 2400=11 v2
 MDG 2400=21 v2
 MicroLink 2410 v.2
 Personal Line 2400 MNP v2
 TELEJET 2400 v2
 Worldport 2400 MNP v2

19,200 bps:
 ZyXEL U=1496

9600 bps:
 FURY 9600 TI v2

NOTE:  The U.S. scripts listed above are also installed in all other

Modem scripts included with the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server can also
be used with the Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh.

Using AppleTalk Remote Access v1.0 modem scripts w/Apple Remote Access Client
You can use AppleTalk Remote Access version 1.0 modem scripts with Apple
Remote Access Client, but you will not be able to use certain new features,
such as Ignore Dial Tone, Manual Dialing, and MNP 10.  You cannot use Apple
Remote Access Client modem scripts with AppleTalk Remote Access version 1.0.

Using an MNP 10 modem
MNP 10 is an error-correction protocol that allows for more reliable data
connections made through cellular modems.

To establish an MNP 10 connection, your modem and the modem you're calling
must support MNP 10; clicking the "Use MNP 10 error correction in modem"
checkbox in the Remote Access Setup window is not by itself sufficient to
establish an MNP 10 connection.

Using aliases with Apple Remote Access
When you create an alias over an Apple Remote Access connection, select the
alias icon and choose Get Info from the File menu, then click the Locked
checkbox.  If you don't lock the alias, the alias can be converted to call the
wrong Apple Remote Access server or to try to access the service across your
local network.

Using the Manual Dialing feature
When you use Manual Dialing, establishing a Remote Access connection varies
according to the type of modem you are using.  To ensure that you can make a

connection while using Manual Dialing, you may need to experiment with
pressing the Connect button slightly before or after you hear the remote modem
answer the phone.

Using the Redialing feature
Remote Access Client will attempt redialing only when the phone number that
has been dialed is busy.  If the connection attempt has failed for any other
reason, Remote Access will stop the redialing attempts so that you can correct
any problems.

When using the Redialing option, you should set the "Time between retries"
number to five seconds or greater.  Depending on the modem, anything less than
five seconds may not give your modem sufficient time to reset, resulting in
your Macintosh serial port being busy and unavailable for redialing.

When using the Redial alternate number option, the main number will be dialed
once before the redialing sequence is initiated.  The redialing sequence will
then alternate between the main and alternate numbers.

Using DialAssist
In certain countries city/area codes don't exist.  If you are calling within

such a country and you encounter problems, try entering a space in the
"Connect To City/Area Code" field in your connection document to get
DialAssist to work properly.

Serial Port Arbitration
When a Remote Access connection is established (or being established when
making a call), Remote Access prevents other application programs from using
the serial port you selected in the Remote Access Setup control panel.  In
this case, most programs will inform you that the port is in use.

Remote Access Client provides this port arbitration through a system extension
called the Serial Port Arbitrator located in the Extensions folder.  Some
programs that use the serial port may not be compatible with this extension.
If you suspect this, remove the Serial Port Arbitrator file from the
Extensions folder, restart your Macintosh, and try the program again.

NOTE:  The Serial Port Arbitrator will not work on a Macintosh if Remote
Access Client has not been installed.

Macintosh computers with Virtual Memory

If you are using a Macintosh IIfx, Macintosh Quadra 900, or Macintosh Quadra
950 and have Virtual Memory turned on, you must open the Serial Switch control
panel (included on the Install 2 disk) and set the serial port setting to

Modem cable requirements
Most modems require a cable that supports the data terminal ready (DTR)
signal.  In addition, certain  modems require a cable that supports CTS/RTS
hardware flow control.  To support DTR, the cable must connect pin 20 on the
DB=25 connector to pin 1 on the Mini DIN=8.  To support CTS/RTS, the cable
must connect pin 5 on the DB=25 connector to pin 2 on the Mini DIN=8 and pin 4
on the DB=25 connector to pin 1 on the Mini DIN=8.  See your modem vendor or
Apple=authorized dealer about obtaining the necessary cable.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012