ABS Tech Note: AWS16 File Access Control on the AWS 95 (1/94)

The purpose of this tech note is to differentiate Macintosh (AppleShare)
file privileges and A/UX file permissions. This document will discuss the
concepts involved with each form of file access control and also discuss
how the two concepts were integrated with each other on the Apple Workgroup
Server (AWS) 95.

AppleShare (Macintosh) File Access Privileges
The Macintosh was originally designed as a single-user machine, where all
the files on the machine were only accessible by one user. As a result
there is no support for file access control built into the file system.
With the advent of AppleShare it was necessary to come up with a scheme to
control access to files which were shared on a network. On a Macintosh
which runs as an AppleShare file server there exists a special file which
stores all the necessary information to determines the accessibility of
files to network users (See the AppleShare Pro Server 1.0 Administrator's
Guide for a detailed description of AppleShare file privileges).

A/UX File Permissions
UNIX was originally designed as a multi-user operating system, thus a file
access control mechanism was designed into the file system from the start.
On each UNIX system there is a list of users which can log on to the
system, each user has a unique name and user ID. In order to provide more
control and flexibility when setting up file accessibility UNIX also
maintains a list of groups, each group has a unique name and group ID. A
group is defined by a list of 0 or more users. Each user must be a member
of at least one group, known as the user's primary group, but may also be a
member of any of the other group.

For each file in a UNIX file system, in addition to the data content of the
UNIX file there is also information stored which determines file access.
Each UNIX file has associated with it the following data: An owner
(usually the user which created the file); a group (usually the primary
group of the user which created the file); and a set of 9 permission bits.

The 9 permission bits associated with a file can be broken down in 3 parts,
leaving 3 bits for each part. Each set of 3 bits defines the level of
access for the file depending on which user is accessing the file. The
first 3 bits (reading from left to right) determines the level of
accessibility for the owner of the file. The second 3 bits apply to users
who are a member of the group which is assigned to the file. The third 3
bits apply to any user who does not fall in either of the first two
categories. These 3 user types are termed "User, Group and Other",

Now for the interpretation of the 3 bits. The first bit (read from left to
right) determines whether the user has read access on the file. The second
bit determines if the user has write access on the file. The third bit
determines if the user has execute permission on the file.

Read and write access on a file is pretty much self-explanatory, if a user
has read permission on a file then they may read the contents of the file,
if a user has write permission on a file then they may modify the contents
of a file. Execute permission determines if a user can execute a file, in
the case where the file is an executable program. In the case where the
file in question is a directory the execute bit determines if a user may
make the directory their current working directory ("cd" into it).

Integration of both File Access System on the AWS 95
On an Apple Workgroup Server 95, somehow both file access systems apply to
some of the files and how this is done can sometimes be confusing. There
exists 2 separate list of users and each file has it's UNIX permissions as
well as it's AppleShare permissions. In order to explain how this
integration is achieved the concept of the "Super User" or "root" must be
understood. On every UNIX machine there exists a special user, "root", to
which file access control does not apply. In effect the "root" user has
read, write and execute permission on every file in the file system.

On the AWS 95 the AppleShare program (the program which provides file
sharing service to network users) runs as a "root" process. That is, all
file accesses made by the AppleShare process are made from the "root:"
user, which means that the AppleShare process has unrestricted access to
all UNIX files. This provides AppleShare users with the illusion that an
AppleShare volume on an AWS 95 is the same as a volume on a regular

This integration can often confuse administrators and users since one would
expect a file to be owned by the AppleShare user, but if we go look at it
from the UNIX side it is owned by the "root" user.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012