Tips For Administrating and Supporting ORACLE7 For A/UX Desktop
Victor Grigorieff
September 29, 1993 Apple A/UX 3.0.1
Revised: 10/28/93 by Victor Grigorieff
File Management
ls ls gives a listing of the files in the current directory.
ls -lF gives a useful long listing, and places a '/' after the
name of each directory, and a '*' after each executable
ls -a lists all files, including files that begin with the "."
cd cd changes the current directory.
'cd /' changes the active directory to the root of the
'cd ..' changes to the parent directory of the current
pwd pwd tells you what directory you are accessing.
mkdir 'mkdir new_directory' makes a new directory called
cp cp is the command to copy a file to a new file.
'cp -r' is a recursive copy, which can copy directories and
their contents.
mv mv is the command to move or rename a file. mv is not capable
of moving a file from one filesystem to another.
chmod chmod <new permissions> <some_file> changes the permission bits
on a file. chmod is often used to either restrict access to a
file, or to enable the 'setuid bit' on an executable program.
A file has certain permission bits, which determine the rights
to read, write, and execute the file. These permissions are
given differently to the owner of the file, the group to which
the file belongs, and everyone else.
ls -l will give a full listing of files, and the left-most
column is a listing of permission bits.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 4122655 Jun 19 14:19 sqldba*
There are a total of 10 characters in the left column.
The first character is '-' for a file, and 'd' if the item is a
The next 9 characters are 3 groups of 3 characters each.
Each group determines the rights to read, write, and execute.
rwx means that read, write, and execute rights are enabled
r-x means that read and execute are enabled, but writing is
If the letter is present in a particular position, the right is
enabled. If there is a '-', the permission is disabled.
The first group of letters corresponds to the rights granted to
the owner of the file. The userid listed in the third column
of the ls -l output is the owner of the file.
** If the owner's permissions are 'rws', then the setuid bit
** is set, meaning that the program will run with all of the
** rights as the owner of the program, regardless of who
** invokes the program.
The second group of letters corresponds to the rights of the
group to which the file corresponds, which is the fourth
parameter of the ls -l output.
The third group of letters defines the permissions for
-rwxr-xr-x means that everyone can read and execute the file,
but only the owner can write (modify) it.
-rwsr-x--- means that the setuid bit is enabled, people in the
group which owns the file may read and execute the
file, but people outside of the group have no access
to the program.
To set the permissions, you need to assemble a string of 3
numbers to tell chmod how to set the permissions. Different
privileges are enabled by adding up the numbers below:
read - 4
write - 2
execute - 1
read and execute privilege (4 + 1) are 5
read, write, and execute (4 + 2 + 1) are 7
to set the setuid bit, you prefix your string with the number
chmod 755 (yields -rwxr-xr-x)
chmod 400 (yields -r--------)
chmod 4755 (yields -rwsr-xr-x) (The setuid bit is enabled)
The files 'orasrv' and 'oracle' (which are located in the
/users/oracle/bin) should be -rwsr-xr-x. You can set these
permissions with the command:
chmod 4755 orasrv oracle
chown chown <new_owner> <some_file> changes the ownership of
<some_file> to be owned by <new_owner>. Only the current owner
or the superuser (root) may issue this command.
Only the owner and the superuser (root) may delete a file.
the ownership of a file is usually most important with
executable files that have the setuid bit set (see chmod
*** Note: when you change the ownership of a file, the
*** permission bits can be changed. You may need to use
*** the chmod command to get the proper setting.
chgrp chgrp <new_group> <some_file> changes the group ownership of
<some_file> to be owned by <new_group>. Only the current owner
or the superuser (root) may issue this command.
find find can be used to locate files, and perform an action on each
of them if desired.
find . -exec ls -l {}\\;
This command looks a bit confusing, but it gives a long listing
of the files in the current directory, as well as all of the
subdirectories. Check the manual pages on find for more
detailed information.
tar tar creates archives and extracts data from them.
tar -cf archive.tar something
(creates a new archive called 'archive.tar' containing a copy
of 'something'. Something could be a file, or a filesystem)
** Note: NEVER try to back up a database that is RUNNING.
** copies of running databases WILL NOT WORK.
tar -xf archive.tar
(extracts the contents of archive.tar into the current
compress 'compress some_file' will create a compressed version of the
file called some_file.Z, and deletes some_file. You must
uncompress the some_file.Z before using it again.
Filesystem Management
If you are not familiar with filesystems, mounting of filesystems, or disk
setup in general on A/UX 3.0.1, please refer to the "Disk Setup" section of
Bulletin #103947.028 -- "Setting up an AWS 95 Server for ORACLE7 for A/UX".
df -B df will give you a line of information for each of the mounted
filesystems. Note the capital letter 'B', which specifies
that the results should be given in kilobytes.
df -B
Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c0d0s0 140519 125637 7856 94% /
/dev/dsk/c300d0s 637015 523524 81640 87% /u1
/dev/dsk/c401d0s 1122889 805559 261185 76% /u2
This command tells you which filesystems were successfully
mounted, where they are mounted, how big they are, and how much
space is available on each of them.
** Notice that the 'Filesystem' column is not giving you the
** first 16 letters in the name of the disk device file. If
** you need the full name, check the /etc/fstab file, or use
** the df command without the -B flag.
/etc/fstab the fstab file has one line for each filesystem which should be
mounted. It specifies the type of filesystem, where to mount
it, and on what device it resides.
# fstab for Squid 6/23/93
/dev/dsk/c300d0s0 / ignore rw 1 0
/dev/dsk/c300d0s2 /u1 4.2 rw 1 0
/dev/dsk/c401d0s2 /u2 4.2 rw 1 0
The lines that begin with # are ignored. It is a good idea to
put notes in this file that identify which machine it belongs
to, and when it was last modified. Whenever you modify this
file, you should PRINT it and put it somewhere safe.
*** IMPORTANT: having a printout of the fstab file is very
*** helpful if your machine has a damaged root
*** partition, and you need to remember where all of
*** your filesystems reside. You need to know the
*** location of your root filesystem.
*** /dev/dsk/c300d0s0 is the default, but it may be
*** different on your system.
*** I like to tape a printout of this file to the machine.
fsck fsck checks filesystem consistency and interactively repairs
the filesystem. If a filesystem will not mount, you need to
run fsck on it to verify and fix it. fsck works on a disk
device file that corresponds to the filesystem in question. If
the filesystem which normally mounts fine on u1 is not
mounting, I need to run fsck. I can't just run 'fsck u1'. I
need to run fsck on the disk device file that was listed in the
/etc/fstab file that corresponds to the problematic filesystem.
squid.root # fsck /dev/dsk/c300d0s2
** /dev/dsk/c300d0s2
** Last Mounted on /u1
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
do NOT ALWAYS want to fix that.
** If the filesystem is currently mounted ( it shows up when
you use the df command), it will be DIRTY, which is OK.
Filesystems are dirty when there is data in buffers that
has not been written out to disk, which is fine if the
filesystem is mounted and in use. If this is the case,
choose N.
** If the filesystem is not mounted (it does not show up
when you use the df command) then you should choose Y.
If an Oracle database (or some other program) is writing to a
file on a filesystem at the time a server goes down (crashes),
then the filesystem will not mount when the server comes back
up. You need to run fsck to repair the dirty filesystem.
If the dirty filesystem is the root (/) filesystem, then A/UX
will not boot. The A/UX Startup program will tell you that the
root filesystem (/dev/dsk/c0d0s0) is dirty, and will present
you with a window in which you can issue some UNIX commands.
fsck /dev/dsk/c300d0s0
Once fsck completes the repairs on the filesystem, you should
be able to type the command 'boot' to start A/UX.
mount -a mount -a will attempt to mount every filesystem listed in the
/etc/fstab file. If mount -a returns no information, that
means that it had no problem. If it gives you errors, that
means that either the /etc/fstab file is not set up properly,
or the filesystem is damaged and should be checked with fsck.
mount -a is automatically called at startup time. You should
only need to use this command after modifying the /etc/fstab
file or after repairing a filesystem with fsck.
Unix Shells
.login The .login file is in the home directory of each user. The
.login file contains commands which are executed automatically
when the user logs in to the UNIX machine.
It is often helpful to set the following in the .login file:
setenv ORACLE_HOME /users/oracle
setenv PATH "/users/oracle/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:
Adding these lines to the .login file will set these variables
automatically when you next login, or use the source command.
PATH PATH is the environment variable which lists the directories on
the UNIX machine that will be searched when a command is typed.
If I type 'do_something', and there is no program called
'do_something' in the current directory, the shell will search
all the directories listed in the PATH for an executable
program called 'do_something'. A default PATH may look like:
If you try to use the oracle program called 'sqldba' you will
sqldba: Command not found.
If you want to be able to use Oracle commands, you should add
the bin directory of the oracle home to the PATH. This is
'/users/oracle/bin' by default. Then the PATH would look like:
In this case, the PATH references /users/oracle/bin, so the
sqldba command can be used without problem.
csh csh is the C shell, which is the default shell for each user
except root. Use the setenv command to set environment
variables. when running the C shell. This is also known as
setenv setenv sets environment variables under csh.
'setenv SOME_VARIABLE some_contents' sets the variable
SOME_VARIABLE to be some_contents.
There are 3 environment variables which are important under
ORACLE_HOME = /users/oracle ( This is the directory where the
oracle files and executables
reside )
ORACLE_SID = SAMP ( This is the name of the default
database, which is SAMP )
PATH = ../users/oracle/bin.. (discussed in PATH section above)
sh sh is the Bourne shell, which is the default user for the root
user. This is also known as /bin/sh.
To set an environment variable in the Bourne shell, you can do:
SOME_VARIABLE=some_contents; export SOME_VARIABLE
It is important to add the '; export SOME_VARIABLE' to the
line, as otherwise programs that you run will not be able to
evaluate that environment variable.
This sets the ORACLE_SID to be SAMP, and allows other programs
you run (like Oracle utilities) to read the variable.
env env lists the names and contents of all variables in the
current shell's environment.
source source is used to read in a configuration file. If you edit
the .login file, and want the changes to take effect, you can
log out and log in again, or read in the file. To read in the
source .login
This will run all of the commands in the .login file.
Oracle Database Management
tcpctl tcpctl is a command to help you start, stop, and get the status
of the SQL*Net TCP/IP version 1 listener.
** 'tcpctl status' should give you the status of orasrv.
tcpctl status
tcputl: Status summary follows
Server is running:
Started : 8-SEP-93 12:08:51
Last connection : 15-SEP-93 11:09:17
Total connections : 87
Total rejections : 3
Active subprocesses : 9
Default SID : (null)
Logging mode is ENABLED.
DBA logins are DISABLED.
OPS$ logins are ENABLED.
Orasrv is detached from the terminal.
Break mode = IN BAND.
Debug level = 1
No timeout (on orasrv handshaking).
Length of listen queue = 10
Orasrv logfile = /u2/7012f/tcp/log/orasrv.log
Orasrv mapfile = /etc/oratab
This tells you that the server is running, and has been running
for a week. It has serviced 87 connections since it was
started, and there are currently 9 connections made to the
server. The active SIDs were read in from the /etc/oratab
If the server is not running, it will look like:
tcpctl status
tcputl: server is not running: Connection refused
** 'tcpctl start' should start the TCP/IP listener process
tcpctl start
tcpctl: log file is /u2/7012f/tcp/log/orasrv.log
tcpctl: SID mapping file is /etc/oratab
tcpctl: server will be run under oracle
tcpctl: logging mode is on
orasrv: Release - Production on Wed Sep 15 12:01:06
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1993. All rights
Starting server on port 1525.
tcpctl: server has been started
This means that server was successfully started on port 1525
(which was read in from the /orasrv entry of the etc/services
You may get the following error if you try to issue the 'tcpctl
start' immediately after issuing a 'tcpctl stop':
Starting server on port 1525.
orasrv: server already running: Address already in use
If this happens, wait a few minutes and try again, while the
UNIX operating system releases the port.
** 'tcpctl stop' should stop the TCP/IP listener process
'tcpctl stop' requires that you log into the A/UX machine as
the user who started the server. You must actually log into
the machine or telnet to the machine to have the proper
privileges. If I log in as a user who is not a dba, and use
the 'su - oracle' command to become the oracle user, it will
not work:
tcpctl stop
tcputl: checking user permission...
tcputl: permission denied
If I then telnet to this machine as oracle, or log out and log
in as oracle, it will work:
tcpctl stop
tcputl: checking user permission...
tcputl: server has been stopped
You can also stop the orasrv process by killing it.
ps -ef | grep orasrv (this finds the orasrv process...)
oracle 692 1 0 Sep 21 ? 0:02 orasrv
vgrigori 16358 15344 2 18:17:44 p2 0:00 grep orasrv
kill 692 (This kills the orasrv process.)
orasrv orasrv is the SQL*Net TCP/IP version 1 listener process which
is controlled by the tcpctl program.
atksrv atksrv is the SQL*Net AppleTalk version 1 listener process. It
is invoked with the command atksrv.
atksrv Squid
atksrv: Release - Production on Wed Sep 15 12:38:06
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1993. All rights
Server name is Squid
Server Squid[10790] is accepting connections....
* If you get the error: Cannot register service "Squid" on
network, that means that there is an AppleTalk listener using
that name already in your zone of the AppleTalk network.
The [10790] tells you the PID of the atksrv process. You can
stop the atksrv listener by hitting control-C, or by killing
the process manually from another UNIX prompt.
You could also kill the atksrv process in the same way you
could kill the orasrv process, which is described in the tcpctl
sqldba sqldba is the utility used to administrate the Oracle database.
It can create, startup, and shutdown databases. If the database
is not running, you can only connect to it by using 'connect
internal'. Once connected internally, you may startup and
shutdown the database.
SQL*DBA: Release - Production on Wed Sep 15 12:44:56
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1993. All rights
ORACLE7 Server Release - Production
With the procedural and distributed options
PL/SQL Release
SQLDBA> connect system/manager
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-07318: smsget: open error when opening sgadef.dbf file.
Macintosh A/UX Error: 2: No such file or directory
The above error occurs when the database is not running. If you
are logged in as a user in the dba group, you may connect
internally and startup the database.
SQLDBA> connect internal
SQLDBA> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Database mounted.
Database opened.
Total System Global Area 7319428 bytes
Fixed Size 30492 bytes
Variable Size 6453352 bytes
Database Buffers 819200 bytes
Redo Buffers 16384 bytes
After starting up the database, you may connect as a database
SQLDBA> connect scott/tiger
You could then connect internally and shutdown the database.
SQLDBA> connect internal
SQLDBA> shutdown
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
Loopback You could then attempt a TCP/IP connection to the database
(provided you have started the orasrv process). This is called
a loopback, as the server machine is making a connection to
itself, which is a useful test of the server's functionality.
SQLDBA> connect scott/tiger@t:squid:S7F
* You may get errors trying to do the loopback.
ORA-6114 - problem with the SID you specified. Compare the SID
you tried with the /etc/oratab file.
ORA-6401 - you did not install SQL*Net TCP/IP.
ORA-3113 - you probably did not install the C programming
option of A/UX and oracle was not properly
ORA-6107 - you need to add the orasrv entry to /etc/services.
ORA-6105 - you need to add the server's hostname to /etc/hosts
ORA-6108 - orasrv is not running, or you have the wrong IP
address entered for your server in /etc/hosts.
Refer to the description of ping above.
ORA-1034 - orasrv is running properly, but the rdbms is not.
Use sqldba to start the database.
ORA-7318 - This error usually follows ORA-1034, but it means
the same thing. The database is not running.
/etc/oratab - This file lists the instances (SID's) available on the
A/UX machine. The has one line per database on the
machine. Lines beginning with '#' are comments which
are ignored. Each line is made up of the format:
Where: SID is the name of the database
ORACLE_HOME is where you installed the database
STARTUP is either Y or N, which indicates
whether the dbstart and dbshut
utilities should start or stop that
The default /etc/oratab should have the line:
This means that I have one database on my machine, it
is named SAMP, and the ORACLE_HOME for the SAMP
database is /users/oracle. The ORA-6114 error occurs if
you attempt to connect to a database that is not listed
in the oratab file.
*** The capitalization of the SID is important
*** 'SAMP' is different from 'samp'.