AWS 95: Hardware Product Enhancements - Jan 1994 Release (1/94)

This article describes hardware enhancements to the Apple Workgroup Server
(AWS) 95 with the January, 1994 product announcement.

1) 2GB Hard Drive
The new drive provides double the storage capacity of existing Apple
hard drives on the AWS 95 (2GB vs. 1GB), and offers faster data rates.
Most AWS 95 configurations will be packaged around the new 2GB hard
drive. Below is a table showing speed comparisons:

1GB Drive 2GB Drive
--------- ---------
Seek time (ms) 11 9
Access Time (ms) 16 12
Internal Data Rate (MB/sec.) 3 5
External Data Rate (MB/sec.) 10 10

2) New Drive Bracket/SCSI Cable
Apple has developed a new bracket/cable solution that allows the AWS 95
to hold up to 5 internal hard drives as compared to 2 drives before.
Both systems support CD-ROM or DAT tape in addition to the hard drives
stated above. Users will be able to take advantage of the new expanded
internal storage capability.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012