ABS Tech Note: ARA01 Corrections & Additions For The ERS (6/94)

The document "AppleTalk Remote Access, Application Programming Interface (API) External Reference Specifications" that is distributed with the developers kit has a number of errors and additions necessary to provide developers with a complete example specification. This technical note details the changes necessary to correct the document and its example code.

Minor typos and errors:

Page 7
1) Under LOAD the word 'to' is missing between "used" and "ensure".

2) The second sentence under LOAD. The structure referenced is

TRemoteAccessParamHeader, the correct structure is

3) In the code example for LOAD the TRemoteAccessParamHeader should be
changed to TRemoteAccessParamBlock.

4) Under UNLOAD the word 'to' is missing between "used" and "release".

5) The second sentence under UNLOAD. The struc referenced is

TRemoteAccessParamHeader, the correct structure is

6) In the code example for UNLOAD the TRemoteAccessParamHeader should be
changed to TRemoteAccessParamBlock.

7) The correct example code is:

#include "RemoteAccessInterface.h"
void UnloadRemoteAccess()
TRemoteAccessParamBlock unloadPB;

unloadPB.LOAD.csCode = RAM_EXTENDED_CALL; // extended call
unloadPB.LOAD.resultStrPtr = nil; // result string
unloadPB.LOAD.extendedType = REMOTEACCESSNAME; // to remote access
unloadPB.LOAD.extendedCode = CmdRemoteAccess_Unload; // try to unload
PBRemoteAccess(&unloadPB, false); // issue sync call
if (unloadPB.LOAD.ioResult)
} // UnloadRemoteAccess

Page 8
1) There should be a space between guaranteed & Access in the fifth
sentence. Additionally, Access should not be capped.

Page 9
1) In the DoConnect() example, TRemoteAccessConnectParam should be changed
to TRemoteAccessParamBlock.

2) In the DoConnect() example the routine called CopyPStr is not defined.
Instead you should use memcpy.

3) The structure pb should be changed to connectPB to make it consistent
with the LOAD and UNLOAD commands. The corrected code would look like

#include "RemoteAccessInterface.h"
void DoConnect()
TRemoteAccessParamBlock connectPB;
Str255 PathName = "\\pMyhardDisk:Remote Access:Connect Document";

LoadRemoteAccess(); // Get the Remote Access Manager loaded
connectPB.CONNECT.csCode = RAM_EXTENDED_CALL; // extended call
connectPB.CONNECT.resultStrPtr = nil; // don't want result strings
connectPB.CONNECT.extendedType = REMOTEACCESSNAME;// to remote access
connectPB.CONNECT.extendedCode = CmdRemoteAccess_DoConnect;// connect
// command
connectPB.CONNECT.portGlobalsPtr = nil; // use the user port
connectPB.CONNECT.fileInfo.vRefNum = 0; // use the full pathnam
connectPB.CONNECT.fileInfo.parID = 0; //
BlockMoveData (PathName, connectPB.CONNECT.fileInfo.name, PathName[0]
+ 1);
// copy the string to the
// fileInfo.Name

// Ask for password if needed, use connection document, & show status
pb.CONNECT.optionFlags = kNSCanInteract | kNSConnectDocument |
PBRemoteAccess(&pb, false); // issue sync call
if (pb.CONNECT.ioResult)
ShowError(pb.LOAD.ioResult); // Do Error reporting and recovery
} // DoConnect

Page 10
1) The code example for DoConnect() shown above should terminate with } //
DoConnect so that it is consistent with the rest of the code examples.

2) In the DoDisconnect() example, TRemoteAccessDisconnectParam should be
changed to TRemoteAccessParamBlock.

3) DoDisconnect() should be rewritten as follows:

#include "RemoteAccessInterface.h"
void DoDisconnect()
TRemoteAccessParamBlock disconnectPB;

disconnectPB.DISCONNECT.csCode = RAM_EXTENDED_CALL; // extended call
disconnectPB.DISCONNECT.resultStrPtr = nil; // don't want result
// strings
disconnectPB.DISCONNECT.extendedType = REMOTEACCESSNAME; // to remote
// access
disconnectPB.DISCONNECT.extendedCode = CmdRemoteAccess_Disconnect;
// disconnect command
disconnectPB.DISCONNECT.portGlobalsPtr = nil; // user port
disconnectPB.DISCONNECT.abortOnlyThisPB = nil; // don't get tied to
// any specific pb
disconnectPB.DISCONNECT.optionFlags = 0 | kNSShowStatus; // show
// status while disconnecting
PBRemoteAccess(&disconnectPB, false); // issue sync call
if (disconnectPB.CONNECT.ioResult)
ShowError(disconnectPB.LOAD.ioResult); // Do Error reporting and
// recovery
} // DoDisconnect

Page 11
1) There is no code example for the IsRemote() function.

Page 12
1) GetStatus() should be rewritten as:

#include "RemoteAccessInterface.h"
void GetStatus()
TRemoteAccessParamBlock statusPB;
Str255 UserName, connectedTo, lastMessage;
long StatusBits;

statusPB.STATUS.csCode = RAM_EXTENDED_CALL; // extended call
statusPB.STATUS.resultStrPtr = nil; // put results here
statusPB.STATUS.portGlobalsPtr = nil; // do UserPort
statusPB.STATUS.extendedType = REMOTEACCESSNAME; // to Netshare
statusPB.STATUS.extendedCode = CmdRemoteAccess_Status; // status
// command
statusPB.STATUS.userNamePtr = &UserName;
statusPB.STATUS.connectedToNamePtr = &connectedTo;
statusPB.STATUS.theLastStatusMsgPtr = &lastMessage;
statusPB.STATUS.statusUserNamePtr = nil;
statusPB.STATUS.statusMsgSeqNum = 0;
PBRemoteAccess(&statusPB, false);
if (statusPB.STATUS.ioResult)
ShowError(statusPB.STATUS.ioResult); // Do Error reporting and
// recovery
// now decode the flag bits into words
StatusBits = statusPB.STATUS.statusBits;
if (StatusBits & CctlServerMode)
printf("Answer Connection\\n");
if (StatusBits & CctlConnected)
printf("Calling connection\\n");
if (StatusBits & CctlConnectionAborting)
printf("Cancel in progress\\n");
if (StatusBits & CctlAnswerEnable)
printf("Waiting for incoming call\\n");
if (StatusBits & CctlConnectInProg)
printf("Connection in progress\\n");
} // GetStatus

Note: The variable in the original code, lastSeqNum, causes a compiler
warning because it is not needed in the code fragment pb has to be
changed to statusPB to be consistent with previous code examples,
lastly, the code fragment ends with the } // GetStatus to remain
consistent with the other code fragments.

Page 14
1) MungePassword() should be rewritten as:

#include "RemoteAccessInterface.h"
void MungePassword(UserName, PassWord)
unsigned char *UserName, *PassWord;
TRemoteAccessParamBlock mungePB;

mungePB.MUNGEPW.csCode = RAM_EXTENDED_CALL; // extended call
mungePB.MUNGEPW.resultStrPtr = nil; // result string
mungePB.MUNGEPW.extendedType = REMOTEACCESSNAME; // to remote access
mungePB.MUNGEPW.extendedCode = CmdRemoteAccess_PassWordMunger;
mungePB.MUNGEPW.userNamePtr = (unsigned char *) &UserName;
mungePB.MUNGEPW.passWordPtr = (unsigned char *) &PassWord;
PBRemoteAccess(&mungePB, false); // issue sync call
// encrypt the eight bytes
// pointed to by PassWord
if (mungePB.MUNGEPW.ioResult)

} // MungePassword

Note: this code is rewritten to be more realistic as the user name and
password would probably be passed in to a function like this as opposed
to having them hard coded in the function itself. The
TRemoteAccessParamBlock variable MungePB was changed to mungePB to be
consistent with the other fragments, and the terminating line ends as }
// MungePassword to be consistent with other examples.

2) In the GetCodeHooks section, the word are should be removed from the
second sentence, or it should be rewritten.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012