Japanese Language Kit: Furigana Support

Does the Japanese Language Kit support Furigana (small Kana written next to an unusual Kanji as a guide to its pronunciation), or would that have to be simulated by adding a very small line above the normal one?
Furigana is supported by several localized products. TurboWriter, EGWord, and Nisus support Rubi/Furigana, and we believe that MacWrite II-J, WordPerfect-J, PageMaker-J, Quark Express-J, and others, may support this feature.

We feel that simulating Furigana by adding an extra line above your line of text is a poor solution because the Furigana needs to be anchored to its associated text.

For additional details on third party Japanese Language Kit products, contact a Japanese Language Kit dealer in your area, or contact a third party software vendor, such as, SystemSoft.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012