This issue seems to occur only when specific conditions are present. It can affect all members of the PowerBook 200 family, as well as other Macintosh computers with two hard drives connected either internally or externally.
The conditions that can cause this situation are:
- The PowerBook 200 series (Duo) computer and Duo Dock hard drives have been formatted with different versions of HD SC Setup.
- Enough VRAM is installed to allow the option of thousands of colors when the PowerBook 200 series computer is inside the Dock (unless thousands of colors are selected, the problem does not occur).
- 32-bit addressing is on
It can also occur with an external hard drive connected to the Dock, or if a third party drive is installed inside the Duo Dock or Duo Dock II+. In this case, reformatting both the PowerBook 200 series computer and the Dock drives with the appropriate formatter is required. Because Apple HD SC Setup does not recognize third party drives, you need to use a third party formatter.
To correct the situation, remove one of these conditions:
- Use HD SC Setup 7.2.2 or later to update the drivers on both hard drives. Download the latest version from the Apple Software Updates Web site at .
- Reformat the PowerBook 200 series computer's internal hard disk with Apple HD SC Setup 7.1, or reformat both the Duo's internal hard disk and the Dock's hard disk with the same version of Apple HD SC Setup.
- Turn 32-bit addressing off.
- When starting up from the Dock, set the colors to 256 instead of thousands.