Q. Are the new Color Tools the same XCMDs as ColorizeHC?
A. No, they're entirely new XCMDs.
Q. How can I display color icons with HyperCard 2.2?
A. You can't. Color Tools supports the display of color picture
resources (and files), but not icons. If you're comfortable with
ResEdit, you can open the icon resource, select it, copy it to the
clipboard, then create a new PICT resource and paste it in. You can
then use Color Tools to display the new PICT resource.
Q. Why is color so slow?
A. Color is often slower, compared to monochrome, but here are several ways
you can improve performance:
* In the OpenCard handler, set both lockmessages and lockrecent to true.
*╩Consider designing a single color background image, rather than
colorizing several individual objects.
* Increase HyperCard's memory partition.
Visual Effects
Q. Why don't my visual effects work?
A. You've probably turned on Color Tools, which has its own visual effects.
Either use Color Tools' visual effects, or turn Color Tools off.
Standalone Applications
Q. When I save as standalone, the color I added doesn't show up.
A. Increase the memory partition for your standalone (via the Get Info...
command in the Finder) by at least 75K.
Q. Does HyperCard 2.2 require more memory than 2.1?
A. Yes, about 50K more -- primarily to support the new AppleScript features.
If you haven't installed AppleScript, you probably don't need any more RAM
than you did with HyperCard 2.1.
Q. Can HyperCard 2.1 open a HyperCard 2.2 stack?
A. Yes, both versions can read each other's stacks. However, new features of
HyperCard 2.2 -- such as pop-up menus and AppleScript scripts, as well as
some of the new language syntax -- will be unknown to HyperCard 2.1 and
could cause script error messages.
Q. Will my XCMDs work under HyperCard 2.2, or do I need updates from the
A. At Heizer Software, we have yet to find any XCMDs that worked under 2.1 but
fail under 2.2. The XCMD interface is unchanged (other than bug fixes).
Existing XCMDs should work just fine with the new version of HyperCard.
Q. Why does the pop-up menu in the Save A Copy dialog list some menu items
A. Because you've placed the StackToApp component in both your System
folder and in HyperCard's folder. It should be in only one of those two
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