Multimedia Kit: Last Dinosaur Egg CD Bug

When using the CD, "Victor, Vector, and Yondo: The Last Dinosaur Egg," the game tells me (via a message on the screen) there is a virus. I ran Norton Utilities and Disinfectant and found problems. Can you explain what is going on?
Apple contacted Sanctuary Woods Multimedia, the makers of the CD, and spoke with their technical support group. That virus message is actually part of the game and it's unlikely that the game caused the problems.

Sanctuary Woods Multimedia is aware of problems with that particular CD. The QuickTime version on the CD is corrupt and users will have problems if they install it. Also, the CD will crash with Type 1 and Type 28 errors if AppleTalk is active. There is a fix in a newer version which customers can order by calling: 1-800-665-2544.

For information on downloading the latest version of Disinfectant refer to:
TIL aritcle 30487: "Disinfectant: Macintosh Anit-Viral Utility"

The Tech Info Library article#17159: "Locating Vendor Information", can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012