Macintosh: Can It Be Used as a USENET News Server? (3/95)

Can I setup a Macintosh, using either the Macintosh Operating System (Mac╩OS) or A/UX, as a USENET news server?

If not, where can I get USENET news server software for other computers?

You can setup a Macintosh as a USENET news server under A/UX, since it can use UNIX-based USENET new server software. We aren't aware of any Mac╩OS-based USENET news server software.

There is a large amount of news software available on the anonymous-ftp Internet hosts. Some of the USENET news software had been developed by the USENET community, such as B news, C news, NN, INN, nntp, rn, trn, ... etc. C News, NN, and INN are the programs most people are running for news servers.

INN (InterNetNews) seems to be the most current news server software being developed. Here is the description from INN's README file:

InterNetNews is a complete Usenet system. The cornerstone of the package is innd, an NNTP server that multiplexes all I/O. Think of it as an nntpd merged with the B News news, or as a C News relay news that reads multiple NNTP streams. Newsreading is handled by a separate server, nnrpd, that is spawned for each client. Both innd and nnrpd have some slight variances from the NNTP protocol.

Two news readers for UNIX systems are rn (read news), trn (threaded version of rn). Some Macintosh OS news reader packages (to access the news on the UNIX side of the news server) are Netnews, NewsWatcher, and Nuntius.

I believe the above mentioned software is available through some of anonymous-ftp hosts in the Internet. One source is the host (

Article Change History:
31 Mar 1995 - Made minor changes.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012