HyperCard: Ask Command Documentation Correction (8/92)

On page 164 of the HyperCard Script Language Guide there is an error in describing the "ask" command.

The syntax given for the "ask file" variation includes the optional word
"default" for indicating a default file name. The command is as follows:

ask file [promptText] [with [default] fileName]

* Note - promptText and FileName are italicized

The word default is in plain text, indicating that it can be used as an
element in the expression, and is in brackets [], indicating that it is

Given this information, you should be able to type the following handler
and get a file name of "Copy":

ask file "Save this file as...." with default "Copy"

Instead the file name comes up as "default Copy". This is an error in the
documentation, not with HyperCard. The word "default" describes fileName.
A corrected version of the expression would read:

ask field [promptText] [with defaultFileName]

* Again - promptText and defaultFileName are italicized.

This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012