Font/DA Mover: Pre-3.6 Versions Are Not MultiFinder Compatible

TOPIC ---------------------------------------------

My copy of Font/DA Mover 3.6 works fine when I run it under the Finder, but
I have problems when MultiFinder is on.

DISCUSSION ----------------------------------------

Font/DA Mover 3.6 (included with System Tools 5.0) is compatible with
MultiFinder. However, the MultiFinder "User's Guide" recommends turning
MultiFinder off when your application or desk accessory isn't behaving
properly under Font/DA Mover versions earlier than 3.6. The manual
specifically recommends turning MultiFinder off when you install or remove
fonts or desk accessories. Note that the warning applies only to versions
of Font/DA Mover earlier than 3.6.

We recommend you upgrade to a 6.0.x release of Macintosh system software that
is compatible with your computer. This would include the current version of
the Font/DA Mover. If you want to upgrade to System 7, you won't need Font/DA
Mover at all.

See the Tech Info Library for additional guidelines on using MultiFinder
and FontDA Mover.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012