To correct the problem in the 2.1 version of the Addresses stack, follow
the procedure outlined below. This procedure does not work in the 2.0
version of this stack.
1) Open the Addresses stack with the UserLevel set to 5.
2) Choose Bkgnd Info from the Objects menu.
3) The name of the background should be Body. Click on the Script button.
4) Choose Find from the Script menu and type the word "lastWord". Click
5) You should be brought to the section of code listed below. The second line
here contains an error.
if lastWord ¡ empty then
if offset(lastWord, "/-+") = 0 then
if value(lastWord) is a number then
put lastWord into theZip
delete last word of lastLine
end if
end if
end if
6) "Comment out" the second line by inserting two hyphens (--) in front of it
and add a new line directly underneath this line, as follows:
if lastWord ¡ empty then
--if offset(lastWord, "/-+") = 0 then
if offset("-", lastWord) = 0 and offset("/", lastWord) = 0 and┬
offset("+", lastWord) = 0 then
if value(lastWord) is a number then
put lastWord into theZip
delete last word of lastLine
end if
end if
end if
This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.
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