HyperCard: Fax STF & Dial Command Problems (4/93)

I am using Fax STF 2.x software, which holds the serial port open until another
application tries to open it, at which point it releases the port. When it
see that the port is available again it will take control again. This works
fine with several different terminal programs, but when I use the "dial"
command and try to fax something at a later point the fax software
complains that the port is in use by another application. Does HyperCard
close the serial port after it uses it? Is there a way to get it to release
the port?

Using the dial command causes the Fax STF 2.x software to think that the serial
port is in use. The Macintosh must be restarted before the Fax STF software
will be able to fax. The problem is caused by a problem in the FaxSTF 2.x
software and is fixed in FaxSTF version 3.0, which was released in December 1993.

This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012