HyperCard:Importing Addresses 2.0 to Addresses 2.1 (7/92)

The HyperCard 2.1 Address stack can't import data from the 2.0 Address

The reason is that the returns in the 2.0 Notes field are never parsed out and replaced with the "..." (ellipses, made with Option-semicolon keys) that the import script is looking for.

So in the ImportTextFromNewStack handler, in the background of the 2.1 Addresses stack, one line should be added:

put bg fld "Notes" into theNotes -- notes field
put SubstituteChar(return,"╔", theNotes) into theNotes -- this is the new line
write theName & tab & theCompany & tab & theStreet & tab &...

This will solve the problem.

This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012