HyperCard 2.0v2: Problem With WindChooser 1.12 INIT (7/92)

An INIT called WindChooser 1.12 (created 7/27/89) causes problems with
HyperCard 2.0v2.

Actually there are a series of WDEF-style INITs which cause a false (and
invisible) window to get layered in front of HyperCard's window. Others of
this type are Erics' WDEF, and Dave's WDEF (a color modification of Erics'

The symptoms are a failure to redraw the screen after displaying dialogs,
and an inability to operate with the mouse anywhere in a HyperCard window,
including clicking.

Note: The WDEF referred to above is NOT related to the common virus of
that name. The letters refer to a very common Macintosh resource for
Window DEFinition.

This article is adapted from the Claris Tech Info database.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012