A/UX and Compatible Macintosh Computers (8/94)

This article describes which Macintosh computers do and do not support A/UX.

Here is the list of Macintosh computers supported by A/UX 3.0.1 or 3.0.2:

Mac SE/30
Mac II (with PMMU)
Mac IIx
Mac IIcx
Mac IIci
Mac IIfx
Mac IIsi
Mac Centris 610 (only with third party FPU)
Mac Centris 650 (only with FPU)
Mac Quadra 610*, 650
Mac Quadra 700, 800, 900, 950
Apple Workgroup Server (AWS) 95

* A/UX will not work with 68LC040-based Quadra 610 computers, because the
68LC040 microprocessor doesn't have an FPU. The low-end Quadra 610
(8/160) and the Quadra 610 (8/160) DOS Compatible have the 68LC040

Macintosh computers NOT supported by A/UX include:

Mac IIvx
Mac Quadra 630
Mac Quadra 660AV
Mac Quadra 840AV
All Macintosh LC series computers (no FPU present)
All Macintosh PowerBook and PowerBook Duo computers
All Power Macintosh computers

Additionally, if you are installing A/UX on a supported Macintosh that requires a system enabler in order to boot, you can accomplish the installation by copying the necessary system enabler to the System Folder of the A/UX installation diskette prior to beginning the install.

A/UX 3.1 is only supported on the AWS 95, but it still can be purchased by existing non-AWS 95 customers for upgrade to A/UX 3.1.

Also, A/UX 3.0.1, 3.0.2, or 3.1 Finder interface is still based on Macintosh System 7.0.1.

Article Change History:
29 Aug 1994 - Added info about Quadra 630.
20 Jun 1994 - Added clarification on 68LC040-based computers.
06 Jun 1994 - Added Macintosh computers not supported by A/UX.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012