This error message occurs when you use the Newton Connection Kit for Macintosh with a Macintosh that does not have Color QuickDraw in ROM or if system software wasn't installed properly.
The Newton Connection Kit for Macintosh requires a Macintosh running System Software 7.01 or greater, 4 megabytes of RAM, and Color QuickDraw in ROM. The Color QuickDraw ROM has certain system resources which are required by the Connection Kit. These particular resources are not added by the System Software if they are missing from the ROM.
The following Macintosh systems do not have Color QuickDraw in ROM:
Macintosh Plus
Macintosh SE
Macintosh Portable
Macintosh Classic
Macintosh PowerBook 100
Macintosh II without SuperDrive (FDHD) ROM support
The packaging for the Macintosh Connection Kit states that a Macintosh SE/30 or later computer is needed. This statement is incorrect because the Macintosh Portable, Classic, and PowerBook 100 were released after the SE/30.
Note: Adding third-party 68030/040 accelerator boards will not add the necessary system resources.
If you have a Macintosh with Color QuickDraw in ROM and the message "certain resources are not available" occurs, follow these steps:
1) Perform a "clean install" of System 7 and choose the "Easy Install" option.
2) Reinstall the Newton Connection Kit for Macintosh.