Color StyleWriter Pro: Avoiding Marks On Transparencies

When printing transparencies, I occasionally see a 0.5 in. x 2 in. rectangle mark on the edge that is fed in first. It is more apparent when a color or shaded background is used. How can I prevent this from occurring?
The marks are caused by the sheet feed rollers. The marks are virtually invisible when the transparency is placed on an overhead projector. However, to avoid the marks altogether the following procedure is recommended:

1) Empty the sheet feeder

2) Move the paper load lever to the envelope position

3) Make sure printer is turned on

4) Insert the transparency into the sheet feeder, as normal

5) Load the transparency manually by adjusting the transparency so that the leading edge drops down into the printer about 1.25 in.

6) Start the print job. If printing a multi-page document, the printer attempts to automatically feed sheets for pages after the first page. To prevent this, print each page separately using the "From: To:" option in the Print dialog box.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012