LaserWriter Select 310: Printing Problems from Workstation(3/94)

A customer has a LaserWriter Select 310 with 5MB RAM connected to a Sun workstation using the serial port.

Very small PostScript files print fine, but when a nominal size PostScript
file is sent to the printer, it blinks then resets itself without printing
anything. What is causing this to happen?

There are a couple of things that the customer can try, as well as verify:

1) Make certain that the printer has not been previously communicating to a
Macintosh within the current power cycle. If so, the LaserWriter Select
310 driver puts the printer into a special serial communications mode.
To solve this, turn off the power to the printer, then turn it back on.

2) Set the communications on the Sun for:

57.6 Kbaud (try 38.4 Kbaud if 57.6 fails), two stop bits, no parity,
8 data bits

3) Verify that the PostScript code, or the driver generating it, is
producing good code. You might try sending the code to another printer.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012