Look for the following issues when using templates:
1) There are situations in which a file exported using a template and then re-imported into a Newton Connection Kit file may lose information. The templates import and export files with text only. This means that any graphics in your Newton data will not be exported if you use a template. If your data contains tabs, returns or multiple paragraphs (**), some of the data may be lost if you export with a template that uses Tab and Return as the field and record separators. To avoid this, click Options in the Edit Template dialog window and choose a character that does not appear in your data as the separator, or export in Newton Connection format. If you want to move all information from one Newton Connection Kit file to another, it is strongly recommended that you use the Newton Connection format to import and export the information. This format contains all information necessary to move the data between two or more Newton Connection files. It is also cross platform and will be supported by Newton Connection for Windows 2.0.
(**) Multiple paragraphs are concatenated with Carriage Returns.
2) Repeating meeting information may be lost when exporting repeating meetings using templates. The meeting still repeats but all special case information is lost. For example, if a repeating meeting repeats every Thursday for a month, and on the Newton you change week three's meeting from Thursday to Friday, the special case of having a Friday meeting for the third week will be lost.