Direct Dialup Mail Overview and Issues (5/96)

This article provides a basic description of the capabilities of Apple's Direct Dialup Mail (DDM) software.

Please refer to the "PowerTalk User's Guide" (from System 7 Pro), Appendix B for details on setting up and configuring the software. See Using Direct Dialup Mail in this article for an example.

You can find Direct Dialup Mail 1.2 on Apple Computer's software update locations.

These articles can help you locate Direct Dialup Mail 1.2:

"Where To Find Apple Software Updates" -- Lists online services for free Apple software updates.

"Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA" -- Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech Info Library.

DDM Functionality


What DDM Does


Lets you send Apple mail to another DDM/PowerTalk user (peer-to-peer).

Lets another DDM user send you Apple mail provided you have the software configured to accept incoming calls.

What DDM does NOT do


Let you retrieve your remote mail from another PowerTalk equipped Macintosh.

Let you get PowerShare mail from a PowerShare server

DDM Requirements and Issues


DDM requires a Macintosh running PowerTalk. It also requires that modems be attached to the Macintosh computers to which you want to connect. See the "PowerTalk User's Guide" (or Using Direct Dialup Mail later in this article) for instructions on installing DDM and adding it to your PowerTalk Key Chain. Be sure to obtain the proper CCL script for the modem you are using. CCL scripts are obtained from the specific modem vendor. DDM uses the same modem scripts and setup control panel as Apple Remote Access. Because DDM is more particular about modem scripts, it is very important to use the most updated scripts from the modem vendors.

Once you have installed DDM, the modem connected to the Macintosh is always in "answer call" mode. While in this mode the modem cannot be used with any other communications software except Apple Remote Access (ARA), if it is installed. DDM must be disabled using the "I'm at..." command to use the modem for anything other than ARA or DDM.

There is no Status Window indicating that DDM is dialing, so the only indication you have of what is going on are the modem tones.

When addressing an Apple mail message using the DDM option, DDM attempts to send the mail message immediately. If it cannot connect to another DDM user's modem, then it retries three times before giving up. You can also specify a preset time to send all your DDM mail. This mode keeps all the mail in your Out Tray until the specified time, and then attempts to send each message.

Information for AppleTalk Remote Access Users


AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA) 1.0 is not compatible with Direct Dialup mail. It is automatically removed from your hard disk when you install Direct Dialup mail. If you want to run PowerTalk Direct Dialup Mail concurrently with AppleTalk Remote Access Software, you must upgrade to ARA version 2.0 or later. ARA MultiPort Server is not compatible with Direct Dialup mail. Do not install both ARA Multiport Server and Direct Dialup mail on the same computer.

Upgrade Products


M1964Z/C Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh Upgrade Kit v2.0.1

M2678Z/B Apple Remote Access Personal Server for Macintosh Upgrade Kit v2.0.1

These products require proof of purchase of version 1.0 or 2.0 and are available at authorized Apple resellers and dealers. For the name of a nearby authorized Apple reseller or dealer in the U.S., call (800) 538-9696. For more information on the Apple Remote Access product family, contact the Apple Network Information Line at (408) 862-3385. To obtain information on availability of Apple Remote Access Software outside the U.S., please contact your local Apple representative.

Using Direct Dialup Mail


You use the Direct Dialup Mail Accessory Kit for sending and receiving mail over a modem to another computer.

Setting Up the Software


After you have installed Direct Dialup mail, you are ready to set it up. Follow these steps:

Step 1:

Open your PowerTalk Key Chain. If you have not already given your Key Chain Access Code, you are asked to enter it. The Key Chain dialog box appears, listing your current services.

Step 2:

Click the Add button to bring up a list of available services.

Step 3:

Select Direct Dialup Mail and click OK. The dialog box closes and Direct Dialup is added to your list of available services.

Step 4:

Double-click Direct Dialup. The Direct Dialup dialog box appears.

Step 5:

Fill in or change information as appropriate.

Step 6:

To set the software to control your modem, click Modem Setup.

Step 7:

In the dialog box that appears, use the pop-up menus to choose the kind of modem you have and make sure the port setting is correct. Click the appropriate radio button to turn the modem speaker on or off.


If the pop-up menu does not list your modem, try the Hayes setting with the same speed as yours. If that does not work, contact the manufacturer to get the necessary software.

Step 8:

Close the Remote Access Setup, Direct Dialup, and PowerTalk Key Chain windows. Your software is now installed and ready to run.

Adding Dialup Addresses


You can add a dialup telephone address to an information card for easy access. Follow these steps to add a Direct Dialup mail address:

Step 1:

Find the information card to which you want to add a Direct Dialup mail address.

Step 2:

Open the card and use the pop-up menu to move to the Electronic Addresses page.

Step 3:

When the Electronic Addresses page appears, click Add at the bottom of the card. A dialog box appears, asking for the kind of address to add.

Step 4:

Select "Direct Dialup mail" and click Add. An untitled Dialup Address line appears on the card, ready for you to fill out.


Make this address the preferred one by highlighting its radio button. The Mailer uses the preferred address when it sends documents.

Step 5:

Type a descriptive name for this address. Something like "Mary's Home Modem" is a good choice because it describes both the owner and the modem's location.

Step 6:

Double-click the icon to the left of the address line to add the necessary dialup information. Select the top radio button to have the system use the information you supplied in the Direct Dialup dialog box (described earlier in this article) to form this person's telephone number. Then enter the required numbers in each of the three fields. If your area code and the area code you enter on this person's card are the same, the system does not use the area code when it dials.) For example, the Country code field can hold the standard 1 prefix used before North American area codes.

Select the bottom radio button to have the system use the number you type into the lowest field without regard for the information you supplied in the Direct Dialup dialog box. You can change any of these settings at any time.

Step 7:

Click the Close box when you are finished to confirm your settings and put the dialog box away.

Step 8:

Click the information card's close box. Once the dialup address information is complete, you can send mail to that address just as you can to any other address in PowerTalk.

Using Dialup Addresses in the Mailer


Adding addresses


To add a dialup address from your personal catalog, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Click the top button in the Catalogs access panel.

Step 2:

Locate and select the information card containing the dialup address.


To use an information card as the source of a dialup address, a Direct Dialup number must be selected as the preferred address on the Electronic Addresses section of the information card.

Step 3:

Click the To button.

Manually Entering Address


To enter a dialup address for a letter's recipient, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Open the Mailer's Catalogs access panel and click the bottom button.

Step 2:

Type the exact phone number for the dialup recipient's modem. You can use a hyphen to separate the parts of the number if you want.

You can also use the form <name>@<number>.

Step 3:

Choose Dialup from the catalog pop-up menu.

Step 4:

Click To (or press the Return or Enter keys) to address the letter. To put a copy of this dialup address in your preferred personal catalog, press the Option key and click the Save button.

Step 5:

Provide any other necessary information in the Mailer and send the document.



You may experience an occasional problem using the dialup service. Here are a few common problems and some suggested solutions.

Error Message When Typing a Phone Number


When you type a phone number in an address window, the system adds a message at the bottom stating that your dialup service has not been set up.

Open the PowerTalk Setup control panel and check that the dialup service information is complete and that you have entered your local phone number.

The Dialup Service Does Not Work


You have set up your dialup service, but it does not seem to work. For instance, the modem will not dial an address, try these solutions:

Be sure the modem is turned on and your phone line is connected.

Verify that you have selected your model of modem in the Remote Access Setup control panel. If your modem's auto-answer light is on, your setup is probably OK.

Cannot Connect With Another Macintosh


When your modem dials the telephone but cannot connect with another Macintosh, try these solutions:

Make sure the telephone number is correct.

Make sure the Macintosh you are trying to connect with is turned on, the modem is connected, and the computer and modem are set up correctly.

If you are using a charge card number in the Direct Dialup control panel, you may need to make Direct Dialup wait longer before dialing the charge card number. The default delay in the U.S. is 20 seconds. To increase the delay, add one or more commas at the beginning of the charge card number. Each comma increases the delay by two seconds.

If you are using a charge card in the Direct Dialup setup window, make sure you select tone dialing in the Remote Access Setup window.

If you see a triangle icon on the right side of your Out Tray or In Tray, it means there is a problem. Click the triangle icon for more information.

Connects Then Drops Connection


If your modem connects with another modem but then loses the connection, try these solutions:

Make sure you selected the correct modem type when setting up the software.

If your telephone line has a call-waiting feature turned on, try turning that feature off. Call waiting can interrupt modem connections.

Your telephone line may have excessive noise. Contact your telephone company.

If you are using another application program that uses the modem, quit that program before using Direct Dialup.

A Reply To a Letter Does Not Get Through


You reply to a letter that originally had multiple recipients, at least one of which had a dialup address, but your reply to that dialup address does not get through.

Check the area code of the dialup address. If the original sender of the letter and the dialup recipient were in the same area code (for example, 408), but you are in a different area code (for example, 212), the dialup recipient's address would not have any area code listed. (There would have been no need for the original sender to include an area code.)

Unless you change the dialup address, the system would dial without an area code and try to send your reply to your area code (212) instead of the proper one (408).

Other Troubleshooting Tips


To cancel a call in progress, open the Out Tray and drag the sending item to the trash.

To suspend Direct Dialup from using the port and phone temporarily, choose "I'm at" from the Special menu, and uncheck the Direct Dialup checkbox.

To use the MNP 10 protocol, both your modem and the one you call must support the protocol.

If you are using a Macintosh IIfx, a Macintosh Quadra 900, or a Macintosh Quadra 950 and have virtual memory turned on, you must open the Serial Switch control panel and change the serial port setting to Compatible.

If the error code -9014 appears while sending a Direct Dialup mail, choose "I'm at" from the Special menu, and make sure the Direct Dialup checkbox is checked.

If you drag a type-in Direct Dialup address from the mailer's recipient field to the desktop and change its name on the desktop, the address will become invalid and may not be used thereafter.

You may experience an occasional problem using the dialup service. Here are a few common problems and some suggested solutions.

When you type a phone number in an address window, the system adds a message at the bottom stating that your dialup service has not been set up.

Open the PowerTalk Setup control panel and check that the dialup service information is complete and that you have entered your local phone number.

This article was published in the "Information Alley":

Volume II, Issue 2, Page 15

Article Change History:

30 May 1996 - Corrected where to get DDM.

26 May 1996 - Updated for technical accuracy.

13 May 1996 - Added troubleshooting tips.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012