The Hard Disk File C is actually file where all of your MS-DOS and Windows applications and files are stored when running under SoftWindows. It is in fact your virtual hard drive when using SoftWindows. Deleting it causes you to lose everything installed or saved in on drive "C" while under SoftWindows.
The Hard Disk File C is created upon installation of SoftWindows and cannot be changed dynamically. It should be considered as a hard drive, and like a hard drive, would need to be reformatted to make specific partition changes (making it larger or smaller).
You can create a Macintosh Shared folder as another drive, and copy the contents of C into the newly created drive. You are then able to delete, and then recreate the "C" drive the exact size you want. If you delete the Hard Disk File C, you should also throw-away the SoftWindows Prefs file, located in the Preferences folder in your System folder.
Double-clicking on the Hard Disk File C launchs SoftWindows.
Article Change History:
17 Jan 1995 - added removing the SoftWindows Prefs file.
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