Power Macintosh: SNA■ps Is Compatible (5/94)

The following compatibility information was provided by Wall Data, Inc. and describes compatibility of the SNA*ps product line with Power Macintosh.

The SNA*ps product line is compatible with Power Macintosh computers running in emulation mode.

Details of SNA*ps Compatibility
The entire SNA*ps product line was tested with prototypes of the Power Macintosh. SNA*ps 3270 Gateway Client (GC) (v1.1.3), SNA*ps 5250 GC (v1.2) and SNA*ps Print (v1.2) were all found to be compatible running in the emulation mode. The SNA*ps Gateway (v2.0.1) configuration and administration applications were also compatible. The SNA*ps Gateway code extension loaded correctly and did get downloaded to the various NuBus cards (4/16 Token Ring, Serial NB, and Coax). Be sure to use A/ROSE 1.2.1 with Macintosh Coprocessor Platform (MCP) NuBus cards (4/16 Token Ring and Serial NB) in Power Macintosh computers; it is expected that all gateways will operate in a stable fashion on released Power Macintosh hardware and system software. Below is a list of SNA*ps software versions which are compatible with Power Macintosh, however be sure that the Power Macintosh Modern Memory Manager is ON before attempting to launch any SNA*ps software:

SNA*ps 3270 V 1.1.2 or later
SNA*ps 3270 GC V 1.1.2 or later
SNA*ps 5250 V 1.0 or later
SNA*ps 5250 GC V 1.0 or later
SNA*ps Print V 1.0 or later
SNA*ps Gateway/10 V 2.0 or later
SNA*ps Gateway/35 V 2.0 or later
SNA*ps Gateway/70 V 2.0 or later

Also, there seem to be some system extension and Control Panel device conflicts between SNA*ps and other third-party software running in emulation mode on a Power Macintosh. The known incompatible software with SNA*ps is NOW Up-to-Date and Norton Utilities Disk Light, and there may be others. If problems are encountered while attempting to boot a Power Macintosh or launch SNA*ps software, it is recommend the user remove all other third-party system extensions and Control Panel devices from the System Folder. The Power Macintosh should boot and SNA*ps should then run OK. Then go through a process of elimination to determine which third-party system extension or Control Panel device is conflicting with SNA*ps.

Native Power Macintosh Version
As of March 1994, there is no delivery date for native versions of the SNA*ps product line.

Upgrade Distribution
The Wall Data upgrade program for SNA*ps is expected to start June 13, 1994. Wall Data will manage upgrades through a FAX program using a Wall Data SNA*ps Registration form. The customer must complete the form, and FAX it to Wall Data at the California FAX number to get the upgrade. All upgrades are priced but most are offered at 100% discount until August 31, 1994. There will always be a charge for SNA*ps 5250 upgrades. The Registration form calls for details about proof of purchase and how to pay for any upgrades. To get an Registration form FAXed to you, call Wall Data's Inside Sales group or the regular 408 area code number. Customers can also mail forms to Wall Data's California address.

To locate a vendor's address and phone number, use the vendor name as a search string.

The versions of SNA*ps software offered by Wall Data is NOT native Power Macintosh software, and you may experience the same problems with Modern Memory Manager and/or third-party extension conflicts. Available from Wall Data are the following versions of SNA*ps:

SNA*ps 3270 V 1.1.3
SNA*ps 3270 GC V 1.1.3
SNA*ps 5250 V 1.2
SNA*ps 5250 GC V 1.2
SNA*ps Print V 1.2
SNA*ps Gateway/10 V 2.0.1
SNA*ps Gateway/35 V 2.0.1
SNA*ps Gateway/70 V 2.0.1

Article Change History:
26 May 1994 - Updated information from Wall Data, Inc.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012