Any number divided by "nothing," or "zero" is undefined.
You can take the limit of 1/n as n->0 and you'll see that as "n" is in the whole number domain and decreases from +░ toward 1, and that the result approaches "1." As "n" decreases from 1 toward 0 (.9,.8,.7,...,.0000003, ...,.00000000002, etc.) the result gets larger (for example: 1/.2 = 5, 1/.02 = 50, 1/.002 = 500, etc.). As the "n" gets smaller, the result gets larger. As "n" approaches 0, the result approaches +░.
In Calculus, lim (1/n) as n->0 => +░ which is undefined, so either "infinity" (░) or "undefined" is the correct answer.
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