Newton Connection Kit: Syncing After PowerBook Sleeps

When using the Newton Connection Kit and a PowerBook through AppleTalk, I have to reboot the Newton Connection for Macintosh to synchronize the units again after the PowerBook goes into the sleep mode. Why?
This is the expected behavior if any PowerBook is set up to "synchronize automatically" using AppleTalk. The Newton Connection for Macintosh does not know to revive the AppleTalk connection.

What happens is comparable to a file server connection between a PowerBook and an AppleShare server when the PowerBook goes to sleep and is awakened. The AppleTalk connection between the machines is broken when the PowerBook goes to sleep. After the PowerBook wakes up, the connection is still broken unless the control panel AutoRemounter is installed and remounts the server. With the Newton Connection for Macintosh, when configured to synchronize automatically, AppleTalk is being utilized to broadcast the PowerBook's name continuously on the network. When the PowerBook goes to sleep, the broadcasting stops because AppleTalk is shut down. When the computer is awakened, the Newton Connection application does not resume the broadcasting because it is unaware that AppleTalk has started up again.


*╩Go to preferences, deselect "synchronize automatically", click OK, go to preferences again, and select "synchronize automatically." This causes the software to check for AppleTalk again and start up broadcasting.

* Quit the Macintosh Connection Kit and restart. This causes the software to check AppleTalk and start broadcasting.

* Do not use "synchronize automatically". Then AppleTalk broadcasting only happens when the synchronize button on the Macintosh Connection Kit is activated. Only activate the synchronization when the PowerBook is awake.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012