The QuickTime 1.6.1 software consists of
- the QuickTime system software extension
- a new version of the Macintosh Scrapbook
- a Scrapbook file with a sample movie
The QuickTime system software extension adds capabilities that let your application programs integrate graphics, sound, video, and animation into documents. By providing a standard way for all Macintosh programs to control these multimedia elements, QuickTime makes them easier to use.
In the new Scrapbook, you can cut, copy, paste, and play QuickTime movies. Larger images will also shrink to fit so that you can see the entire image in the Scrapbook window. This Scrapbook is otherwise identical to the standard Macintosh Scrapbook.
If you obtained QuickTime by purchasing it separately, by ordering it over the phone, or by downloading it from an electronic mail system, follow the instructions below to install the QuickTime extension and the new Scrapbook.
If QuickTime was already installed on your hard disk when you bought your computer, skip ahead to the section "Installing the Scrapbook."
Installing QuickTime
To install QuickTime:
1. If you received a floppy disk labeled "QuickTime," insert it into your computer and open it. If you downloaded QuickTime electronically, make sure the QuickTime files you downloaded are visible.
2. Drag the QuickTime and Scrapbook icons from the QuickTime disk to your System Folder icon (not into the open folder).
3. Click OK in the dialog box that appears.
4. Restart your Macintosh.
Installing the Scrapbook
Before you install the new Scrapbook file:
Installing the new Scrapbook File in your System Folder will delete your current Scrapbook File. If you have stored any items in your current Scrapbook that you want to keep, drag the Scrapbook File from your System Folder to any other folder. This prevents the file from being deleted when you install the new Scrapbook File. (To open the old Scrapbook File in the future, you'll need to move the new one out of your System Folder and move the old one back in.)
To install the new Scrapbook File:
1. Find the folder called Replacement Scrapbook File. (If QuickTime was already installed on your computer, this folder is on your computer's hard disk. If you obtained QuickTime separately, this folder is on the QuickTime disk.)
2. Drag the contents of the Replacement Scrapbook File folder to your System Folder icon.
3. If you haven't moved your old Scrapbook File out of the System Folder, a message asks you whether you want to replace it. Click OK to replace your old Scrapbook File.
To use the new Scrapbook File:
1. Choose Scrapbook from the Apple menu.
2. When a picture appears in the Scrapbook window, use the buttons in the movie control bar, to play the movie.
You can use standard Cut, Copy, and Paste commands to copy movies to and from the Scrapbook. To copy a movie from the Scrapbook to a document, you need to use a program that supports QuickTime movies. If the program doesn't support movies, only a single PICT image is pasted into the document (the first frame of the movie segment in the Scrapbook).
New Features of QuickTime 1.6.1
Smaller Size
The QuickTime 1.6.1 system extension takes up only about 20K of memory when it is not in use.
Converting Audio Tracks to Movies
You can convert tracks from audio compact discs into movies and add the sound to your own movies. To convert an audio track, you must be using a program that can play QuickTime movies, and you must have an AppleCD 300 or 300i CD-ROM drive connected to your Macintosh. Follow these steps:
1. Insert an audio CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive.
2. In the program you are using, choose Open from the File menu.
3. Click Desktop, then double-click Audio CD.
4. Click the name of the audio track you want to convert to a movie.
5. Click Convert.
6. Type a name for the new movie, and choose a place to save it. To choose additional settings or to trim the length of the movie, click Options.
7. When you are ready to convert the movie, click Save.
The audio track is saved as a QuickTime movie. You can now copy and paste sound from it into other movies.
Macintosh Easy Open Support
QuickTime 1.6.1 supports the Macintosh Easy Open system extension. You can use this extension to translate sound and image files from a variety of formats into QuickTime formats--just by double-clicking them.
ColorSync Support
QuickTime 1.6.1 supports ColorSync. You can use the ColorSync control panel to obtain accurate color in your compressed still-image files, for all the devices connected to your Macintosh.
Improved Grayscale
QuickTime 1.6.1 now supports 4-bit grayscale dithering, providing a wider range of shades of gray.
Smoother Text
You can now have smoother-looking (anti-aliased) text in the text track of movies.
Cinepak Compression-Decompression Software
The Apple Compact Video compression-decompression software is now called Cinepak. The features and functionality of the software have not changed.
Using the QuickTime Extension
You do not interact directly with the QuickTime extension. It works behind the scenes as part of your system software, providing new features to the application programs that support QuickTime. The specific features of QuickTime that you use and how they are presented depend on the programs you use.
To Learn Even More
The best way to get started with QuickTime is to purchase the QuickTime Starter Kit from Apple Computer. This kit contains four programs with which you can play and edit QuickTime movies, convert existing files to movies, record video or audio movies (with digitizing hardware), and compress still photos. The kit also includes a CD-ROM disc filled with examples of QuickTime video, animation, and photos, and a catalog of products that work with QuickTime.
The QuickTime Starter Kit is available from your local hardware or software dealer.