Kid Works 2: File Menu Items Grayed Out (1/95)

When running Kid Works 2 on my Macintosh I cannot select Quit from the File menu. The Preferences menu item in the Options menu is also grayed out.

You have most likely turned on Child Safety Mode. This option grays out Quit in the File menu and the Preferences menu item in the Options menu. This feature also does not allow you to select another item in the Applications menu.

There are two ways to resolve this issue. You can throw away the Kid Works 2 Preferences file from the Preferences folder inside the system folder.

The other alternative is to hold down the Command and Shift keys before opening the File menu which will allow you to select Quit. You can also hold down the Command and Shift keys while opening the Options menu, select Preferences, and turn off Child Safety Mode.

Article Change History:
09 Jan 1995 - Revised entire article.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012