Power Mac 8100/80: PDS Video Card vs. Third-Party Cards (4/95)

I need the specification on the 4MB Power Macintosh Video Card for the Power Macintosh 8100. I'm interested in refresh speed and a quantifiable way to compare the performance of this card to an accelerated video card.

Given equivalent VRAM configuration and price range, the 4MB Power Macintosh Video Card should run faster than any comparable third party video accelerator cards in today's marketplace.  This is due to the video card's high data transfer rate, which is in part attributed to its 64-bit data bus as compared to the 32-bit data bus available to NuBus video cards.

Article Change History:
26 Apr 1995 - Corrected name of video card.
10 Jun 1994 - Changed article status to "Everyone"

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012