The first part of this article shows a Token Ring configuration; the second part shows an SDLC Serial configuration. There is no SNA*ps support for Twinax connections to the AS/400.
The SNA*ps software will only run on Apple 4/16 Token Ring or Serial NB communications cards. Apple Computer's cards are MCP (Macintosh Coprocessor Platform) compliant. Before beginning the SNA*ps software configuration, be sure you have installed an Apple 4/16 Token Ring or Serial NB card and that the card has a minimum of 1 MB RAM installed (Use Macintosh Coprocessor Platform Memory Expansion Kit - M0145LL/A).
NOTE: Apple Computer's MCP communications cards (Apple Token Ring 4/16 NB Card, and Apple Serial NB Card) will NOT fit in the Centris or Quadra 610, 660AV, Power Macintosh 6100/60, or Workgroup Server 6150. The Apple Token Ring NB/c card does not support the SNA*ps Gateway, SNA*ps 5250 or SNA*ps 3270 software.
Token Ring
From the Macintosh Control Panel, open the Token Ring control panel window and note the Apple 4/16 Token Ring card's network address. This will correspond to the AS/400 Controller LAN remote adapter address.
SNA*ps TR Line Description
TR Line Name: LINE01
All timers at default values
Maximum I-Field Length: 2057
SNA*ps Partner Description
Partner Name: HOST01
Peer (Node type 2.1)
SAP Address: 04
Link Address: Corresponds to AS/400 TR Line local
. adapter address
Partner XID: 056XXXXX - AS/400 TR Line exchange ID
Gateway XID: 050XXXXX - AS/400 Controller exchange ID
Gateway Network Name: AS/400 Controller remote control point
Gateway Network Qualifier: AS/400 default network ID
SNA*ps Local LU
Name: PASSTHRU - Apple default
LU ID: 01 - Must be unique
Max TPs: Must match the AS/400 Mode maximum
. sessions (Typically 10, 35, or 70)
Network LU Name: LU01 - AS/400 Device remote location name
Network Qualifier: APPN - AS/400 Local network ID
SNA*ps TPs
TP Name: * - Allows all transaction programs
All other parameters at Apple See SNA*ps Gateway Configuration Guide
default. for details.
SNA*ps Remote LU
Name: AS400
Parallel Sessions
Network LU Name: AS400 - AS/400 Default local location
. name
Network Qualifier: APPN - AS/400 Local network ID
SNA*ps Mode
Name: MACMODE - Must match AS/400 Mode name. You
. cannot use QPCSUPP.
Queue Binds
Maximum Sessions: Same value as AS/400 Mode description
. maximum sessions
Contention Winner: Same as maximum sessions. AS/400 Mode
. locally controlled sessions=0.
Prebound Sessions: Same as maximum sessions. AS/400 Mode
. Pre-established sessions=0.
Pacing at default
Maximum RU Upper: 2048
Maximum RU Lower: 256
SNA*ps SDLC Line Description
Name: LINE01
Port: 1A and 1B for use with V.35. 2A and 2B
. for use with V.24. Use Half Duplex for
. dial-up and multidrop lines. Be sure
. AS/400 line data link role is set to
. negotiated. Set SNA*ps line to
. Secondary.
All timers at default values.
SNA*ps Partner Description
Name: HOST01
Peer (Node Type 2.1)
Link Address: C1 - Must match AS/400 SDLC Line station
. address
Partner XID: 056XXXXX - AS/400 Line exchange ID
Gateway XID: 050XXXXX - AS/400 Controller exchange ID
Gateway Network Name: AS/400 Controller remote control point
. name
Gateway Network Qualifier: APPN - AS/400 local network ID
SNA*ps Local LU
Name: PASSTHRU - Apple default
LU ID: 01 - Must be unique
Max TPs: Must match the AS/400 Mode maximum
. sessions (Typically 10, 35, or 70)
Network LU Name: LU01 - AS/400 Device remote location name
Network Qualifier: APPN - AS/400 Local network ID
SNA*ps TPs
TP Name: * - Allows all transaction programs
All other parameters at Apple See SNA*ps Gateway Configuration Guide
default. for details.
SNA*ps Remote LU
Name: AS400
Parallel Sessions
Network LU Name: AS400 - AS/400 Default local location
. name
Network Qualifier: APPN - AS/400 Local network ID
SNA*ps Mode
Name: MACMODE - Must match AS/400 Mode name.
. You cannot use QPCSUPP.
Queue Binds
Maximum Sessions: Same value as AS/400 Mode description
. maximum sessions
Contention Winner: Same as maximum sessions. AS/400 Mode
. locally controlled sessions=0.
Prebound Sessions: Same as maximum sessions. AS/400 Mode
. Pre-established sessions=0.
Pacing at default
Maximum RU Upper: 2048
Maximum RU Lower: 256
Before starting the gateway, verify that the AS/400 Line, Controller, and Device are Active or Varied On. Also, verify the AS/400 system value QAUTOVRT. This value must be a non-zero number in order for the AS/400 to automatically configure the virtual controller and virtual devices required by the Display Station Pass-Through application.
See the SNA*ps Gateway Configuration Guide Appendix B for more details on AS/400 configuration.
Article Change History:
29 Mar 1995 - Added Workgroup Server 6150 and updated format.
19 Sep 1994 - Added info on Token Ring NB/c card.
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