Adjustable Keyboard: Software Part of System Update (2/95)

Upon installation of the Adjustable Keyboard software on my Power Macintosh, I get an error message stating "The software to be installed is older than software on this system. This installation is not allowed."

Is System Update 2.0.1 built into System 7.1.2?

When installing the Adjustable Keyboard on a Power Macintosh, or a Macintosh with the System Update 2.0.1 or later installed, no additional software is necessary. Macintosh computers after the 660AV and 840AV support the Adjustable Keyboard out of the box.

The reason for this is that System Update 2.0.1 was included in the ROM beginning with the AV computers and it is therefore included in the ROM of the Power Macintosh computers. The Record extension is also no longer included as a separate extension since Sound Manager 3.0.1 includes its functionality.

Article Change History:
27 Feb 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
05 Aug 1994 - Noted that issue occurs with any Macintosh with the System Update
2.0.1 or later installed.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012