LaserWriter Pro 810: Installing on Alpha/Open VMS

Is there a specific version of the LaserWriter Pro 810's VMS install program for OpenVMS? Also, do you have a file PRO810V1.SYS generated and compatible with OpenVMS?
Currently, there is no version of the LaserWriter Pro 810 VMS install for OpenVMS. In terms of a file PRO810V1.SYS compatible with OpenVMS, we do not have one. This file is actually not needed as the "net load" feature of the LaserWriter Pro 810 is not utilized. All of the information needed to boot the printer is already in its ROMs.

You can get the LaserWriter Pro 810 to work with OpenVMS by bypassing the VMS install procedure and perform the following commands:

1) Run backup to unpack saveset in the same directory as it is in currently (generally this would be sys$common.[decserver] or [] if using mom$load).

2) Run psform.

3) Run applequeue (he will need last 6 digits of ethernet address and a unique LAT #).

For remote LAT admin:

1) Enter "mc ncp" at the vms prompt
2) Then "connect via 'svao' physic addr 'ethernet address'"
3) password= "access"
4) a "#" prompt indicates that a terminal session has been established with the printer.

To make changes in the printer's server card, get into the printer's RCF (remote console facility) and login in superuser mode ("su";password="system").
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012