AppleWorks: Transferring files to Jazz

Users have reported success transferring files from AppleWorks into Jazz using a Macintosh file translation program called "First Port".
You change your files from DIF files into SYLK files, which Jazz can then Convert into a spreadsheet.

Lotus does not support this product so you will need to contact Desktop Software if you need help turning your DIF file to SYLK. When you have a SYLK file move it onto a copy of your Jazz startup disk. You will need the file Convert on your disk. This file came on the Jazz Startup Disk that came with your Jazz package. Start Jazz and choose Convert desk accessory. Select your
SYLK file, click on SYLK option in the box that will appear and then click on Convert. Your file will automatically open up as a Jazz worksheet, which you can then paste into your Jazz database or word processing.

Desktop Software can be reached at:

First Port
Desktop Software
Princeton, N.J.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012