As you mentioned, several Apple printer drivers were not included with the System 7.1.2 software. Below is a list of printer drivers not included. All the printer drivers are available through online services Apple publishes software updates on.
Printer Print Driver Used Version
LaserWriter IISC Personal LaserWriter SC 7.0.1
Personal LaserWriter SC Personal LaserWriter SC 7.0.1
ImageWriter LQ LQ ImageWriter 7.0.1
AppleTalk ImageWriter LQ LQ AppleTalk ImageWriter 7.0.1
LaserWriter Select 310 LW Select 310 7.0
Apple Color Printer Apple Color Printer 1.0
Color StyleWriter Pro Color StyleWriter Pro 1.5.2
Portable StyleWriter Portable StyleWriter 1.0.1
As a reminder, the StyleWriter II and LaserWriter 300 drivers on the Power Macintosh disks are also used for the original StyleWriter, and Personal LaserWriter LS and LaserWriter Select 300 printers respectively.