DOS Compatible Card: Copying & Pasting Problems (4/94)

When I try to copy or cut anything more complicated than a couple of lines of text from Windows or DOS to a Macintosh application, the machine either locks up at the "translating clipboard box," or nothing shows up in the clipboard. I have a brand-new system straight out of the box. What's wrong?

The problem is memory related - there's not enough Macintosh memory for the translation. Sometimes this is handled gracefully, as when there's nothing in the clipboard, and sometimes the machine will crash when out of memory. If purchasing more memory is not an option, then turn Virtual Memory on and restart. Virtual Memory should be no greater than double the total amount of physical RAM. For example, on a machine with 8 MB physical RAM, Virtual Memory should be set to no more than 16 MB.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012