Power Macintosh: Video Monitor Screen Disappears (6/94)

I am using a Power Macintosh 6100/60AV with a 14-inch AV monitor connected to the HDI-45 port. While using the program Video Monitor, I selected full screen, then I lost the Video Monitor window. If I connect the monitor to the DB-15 video connector on the AV card, I am able to use Video Monitor again. This same problem occurs with the program Fusion Recorder as well. How can I get the window to appear on my display again when I am connected to the HDI-45?

When selecting full screen, the Video Monitor application assumes that you have another display connected to the AV card to view the incoming signal on. To get the Video Monitor window back to your display, remove the Video Monitor Preferences file from the Preferences folder.

When digitizing video on the Power Macintosh AV configurations, a monitor should be attached to the AV card's DB-15 connector for better performance (up to 30 frames per second opposed to 1-2 frames per second). Fusion Recorder and Video Monitor are assuming a monitor is attached to this port. This is why the window moves to the monitor attached to the AV card. The performance is better with a monitor attached to the AV card because all video processing can happen on the card avoiding the bottlenecks that occur when moving digitized data from the card to the system bus and on to built-in video.

Article Change History:
2 June 1994 - Added information regarding Fusion Recorder and details on
why this problem occurs.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012