SoftWindows: "Too Many Users" and Fix (1/95)

In certain rare cases, it is possible for SoftWindows to erroneously detect another copy of itself running on the network. If this happens, a panel telling you that there are "Too Many Users" will appear, and you will be asked to quit SoftWindows.

Has Insignia Solutions resolved this issue?

We apologize for the inconvenience caused if this happens to you. A solution has been found which may be applied to a copy of your existing SoftWindows application (version 1.0 or 1.0.1). Please proceed as follows:

* Turn your Extensions off with the Apple's shift key trick: Restart your
Macintosh (Select Restart from the Special menu) and immediately hold
down the shift key. Wait for the message "Extensions Off" before letting
up on the shift key.
* Copy the "SoftWindows Licensing Fix" application to the SoftWindows
* Eject the floppy disk by highlighting the "SoftWindows Patch" disk icon
and selecting "Put Away" from the File menu.
* Select the SoftWindows¬ application in the Finder
* Choose the Duplicate command from the File menu (or type Command-D)
* Launch the "SoftWindows Licensing Fix" application
* Click Patch╔
* Locate the "SoftWindows¬ copy" application that you created above
* Click Open

When you now launch the "SoftWindows¬ copy" application the "Too Many Users" panel will not appear, (unless there really are too many users of SoftWindows on your network for the number of licenses that you have purchased).

You may now delete the original SoftWindows¬ application and rename "SoftWindows¬ copy" to "SoftWindows¬" if you so desire.

These articles can help you locate software updates mentioned here:

* Where To Find Apple Software Updates
Lists online services for "free" Apple software updates
* Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA
Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple
support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech. Info. Library

Article Change History:
10 Jan 1995 - Revised format of article.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012